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About Anurag Ray

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″ ][cs_element_row _id=”2″ ][cs_element_column _id=”3″ ][cs_element_row_2 _id=”4″ ][cs_element_column_2 _id=”5″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”6″ ][cs_content_seo]ANURAG RAY
Anurag Ray is an blogger who likes to share tips and guidance in removing pests and make people life easier\n\nSubheadline space\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_gap _id=”7″ ][cs_element_button _id=”8″ ][cs_content_seo]Get In Touch\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_social _id=”9″ ][cs_element_social _id=”10″ ][/cs_element_column_2][cs_element_column_2 _id=”11″ ][cs_element_image _id=”12″ ][/cs_element_column_2][/cs_element_row_2][cs_element_headline _id=”13″ ][cs_content_seo]MY WORK STORY\n\nSubheadline space\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_line _id=”14″ ][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=”15″ ][cs_element_row _id=”16″ ][cs_element_column _id=”17″ ][cs_element_content_area _id=”18″ ][cs_content_seo]Since a kid I was eager to help people and when I grew up I learned pests are major problem around the world so, I decided to help people to get rid of them. As a result I created Pest Removal Warrior. It’s a blog where I provide helpful tips and suggestions that helps people to get rid of various kinds of pests. I created this blog and YouTube because these two are the best way to reach lot of people. I have studied BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) from Asansol and then I decided to help people out so, I did extensive online research about various pests and how to get rid of them and implemented many of these ways to know it’s efficiency.
When I was kid one of favourite tomato plant died because of some pests infestation. I felt extremely helpless and heartbroken. As I grew up I decided to educate people about pest removal so that they don’t have to face that kind of situation and as a result created Pest Removal Warrior.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”19″ ][cs_content_seo]RECOGNITION & AWARDS\n\nSubheadline space\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_row_2 _id=”20″ ][cs_element_column_2 _id=”21″ ][cs_element_content_area _id=”22″ ][cs_content_seo]Completed Graduation
Deadlifted 100 Kg
Got 1K+ YouTube Subscribers
Got Scholar Badge In School\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_column_2][cs_element_column_2 _id=”23″ ][cs_element_content_area _id=”24″ ][cs_content_seo]Successfully Completed A Blog
Made More Than $10000 Online
4000 Hours+ Of Watchtime On YouTube
Completed Photography Course\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_column_2][/cs_element_row_2][cs_element_headline _id=”25″ ][cs_content_seo]MY PERSONAL STORY
I always wanted to create a blog and help people. I have been trying to create a blog in different niches since 2012 but all of them failed until recently I made some changes and decided to do blogging seriously.
I love plants and animals I decided to help people with that. Pest Removal Warrior is created with that idea but later I expanded the niche and made pest removal as the main priority. In in this website I try to touch every single aspect within the niche.
I am also active on YouTube and I upload two videos every week and when I am not blogging or not editing YouTube videos I usually like to hangout with friends, go on a trip around the city with my friends.
I do have a desire to travel around the world specifically in Switzerland, Egypt and Canada. I am big Football and Cricket fan and I am really eager to watch one international Football match.
I live with my family with my parents and my brothers and I am still not married. I am more of a visual guy who like watching videos and learn from them. This thing has also inspired me to create a YouTube channel which is growing every single day. It’s hard work but it’s fun.
I love learning new things and love writing my blog and create YouTube videos
That’s me!\n\nSubheadline space\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_content_area _id=”26″ ][cs_content_seo]\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][/cs_content]