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Can Mouse See At Night?

July 30, 2020

mouseatnightA Mouse is more active at night, and you have probably seen that the infestation suddenly increases in the night. It is because they are nocturnal animals. But how do they move around at night when people and scientists say they cannot see correctly or

Can mouse see at night? Yes, a mouse can see at night but not clearly because they have some special features in their body that allow them to detect the surroundings in the dark. This ability Protect them from predators during the night.

How Mouse Moves Around At Night?

The mouse has eyesight, but they cannot see clearly. They can detect movements with their eyesight but cannot see clearly. They are almost blind. Mouse use other senses to move around in the dark. They use their sense of smell hearing and uses their whiskers to detect their surroundings. These senses allow them to identify the object in the surroundings.

The mouse also always sniff their surroundings when they move around in the dark, allowing them to identify the objects around them. Along with that, they use their whiskers that have mechanoreceptor that can detect touch and that signals are sent to their brain.

Because of this ability, it feels like they can see in the dark, but in reality, they don’t use their vision to detect the surroundings they use their other senses to sense their surroundings. 

Other senses are much more reliable to them compared to the vision. Their sniffing ability allows them to smell, and if there is any predator nearby, they can sniff and identify and they run away from that place.

The Role Of Mouse Brain For Moving Around In The Dark

The mouse has a very sharp brain. They can remember the pathways from they have traveled through like a map even though they don’t really have good eyesight they can draw the map using the other senses in their mind which is a great ability. 

This map allows them to remember their surroundings and get back to their home when they get their food. Mouse are intelligent creatures, and they are seen to solve puzzles which indicate that they can do complex tasks.

If they get lost on the way, they start sniffing, and because of that reason, they can sniff around and eventually come up with a solution to get back to their home. It may not be able to do that all the time, but they can do it.

Mouse Are Nocturnal Animals

A mouse is active at night, but they are not active in the morning. They rely on their senses apart from the senses of the sight to move around in the dark. They’re really confident about their ability even though they cannot see correctly.

Since the mouse spends most of the time hiding from the sun and living in the dark, they got habituated with the dark environment. And since they are nocturnal animals and they live in the dark evolution has granted them the ability to move in the dark without the help of vision. 

If you think it from an evolutionary perspective, then, you can understand why the senses of hearing and smell are much more useful in the dark compared to that of vision. 

Vision has limited use in the dark if other senses are dull then they will be much easy to kill. In the dark, it’s difficult to see all around all the time, but when the sense of smell or the sense of hearing is exceptionally sharp, then you can detect the whole surrounding.

If any predators try to attack them, they can easily identify that. They can feel that something is coming after them, and that can run way or evade the attack.

How Mouse Track Food In The Night?

mouse eating food in darkA mouse can detect the surroundings because of the whiskers and because of the ability to smell. They can detect their food from far away. The mouse has an extraordinary sense of smell, and this ability allowed them to track food from miles away. They use a combination of smell and the use of VNO (The Vomeronasal Organ) to detect food.

A mouse can remember the place where they found the food. They can analyse and find how to reach the food and how to escape. They create a complete map in their head and then guides other mice over there and as a result infestation begins.

Getting food or tracking food is rather easier for a mouse because of the sense of smell. They can distinguish food and can choose their favorite food.

How A Mouse Communicates With Each Other In Dark?

Mouse communicates with each other using various kinds of sounds, and along with that, they use their sense of smell. Every mouse has its own unique smell, and they can identify each other through the smell.

They can identify the mouse from far away. But to communicate properly, the member has to be nearby. They need to communicate with each other continuously so that they don’t get lost and can follow each other properly. 

In this way, a single mouse can lead to a big number of mice to any location in the dark without using their eyesight.

Can Baby Mouse See In The Dark?

baby mouseLike adult mouse baby mouse cannot see clearly, but they rely on their sense of smell, hearing and their whiskers to know about their surroundings. Due to lack of experience baby mouse can have trouble understanding their surroundings.

They can get lost or can be killed by predators much easily compared to an adult mouse. Over the period, their experience increases, and their sense becomes much sharper. Till the time they become adult, all their sense gets developed.

The baby mouse usually follows their parents when they are learning about new stuff. Their mother teaches them everything they need to know and how to use the senses properly.

Since a baby mouse is born with these abilities, the use it immediately after they are born. Those senses may not be fully developed when they are born but develop pretty rapidly after that.

The Benefit Of Whiskers

Many animals have whiskers, and this whisker allows them to understand their surroundings. These whiskers can detect vibrations from their environment and can identify what’s going on in the environment. Mouse whiskers are essential to them because since they cannot see correctly, without these whiskers, they can get confused.

Their whiskers work like a sense organ. If they sense any threat, they will immediately retreat. With the whiskers, they can detect movements all around themselves. If the mouse detects that there is any disturbance or there is an unusual vibration, it starts to retreat immediately.

Will Keeping Lights On Keep Mice Away?

When the lights are turned mouse becomes a bit more careful, but that said is not that easy to fool a mouse. A mouse can detect movements so if you keep the lights on and you go to sleep at night mouse will be able to detect that nobody is moving around and will come out and try to eat their food.

They will try to avoid the places where they sniff human, but they will continue with the food search. Unless they come across us, they won’t go away. Since mice are nocturnal creatures, they come out at night, and unless they feel entirely threatened, they won’t leave that place easily. So keeping the lights on is not an excellent remedy to reduce the infestation of mouse.


Even though the mouse cannot see things clearly in the night, they are born with extraordinary senses that allow them to communicate and locate food and move around in the dark. They use the sense of smell, hearing, their whiskers and their use of their brain to draw an idea about their surroundings.

Mouse always sniffs to get a view of their surroundings. So that they can always keep themselves updated about the environment. Don’t try to fool a mouse just by keeping the lights on instead use some remedies to get rid of them.

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