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How Do Spiders Make Silk?

May 6, 2021
How Do Spiders Make Silk

How Do Spiders Make SilkSpider silk is one of the fascinating thing found in nature. Scientists are still studying the DNA of a spider and found that they use eight different genes to produce this material. 

Spiders make silk material from their fluids and combine it with proteins to create silk. A spider will usually start by collecting fluid from its abdominal glands. Then, they mix this up with protein fibers in the thorax. Here they release more than one kind of fiber at a time, thus producing silk.

They also found that these proteins are used in many other parts of the body, like hair. For example, humans only have four types of proteins for hair production, but spiders have eight. Some of these proteins are used for making hair and for making silk.

How Do Spiders Make Silk?

We still have much to learn about how spiders weave this beautiful web-like material into such a strong thread. Scientists are trying to figure out its chemical composition and whether there is more than one type of “silk” produced in the process for different purposes. 

Scientists have studied the DNA of a spider and found that they use eight different genes to produce this material. It is believed that these proteins are what allow the spider to create a sticky fluid, which then hardens into silk. The silk is used to catch prey, as well as protect the spider from predators. 

Does A Spider Produce More Than One Type Of Silk?

There’s more than one type of “silk” produced in the process. The silk used for catching prey is sticky. It glues to the inside of a spider web, preventing any captured bugs from escaping. The silk that’s wrapped around eggs protects them from environmental factors such as temperature changes or predators.

What Kinds Of Properties Does Spider Silk Have?

Along with being elastic, it also has antimicrobial properties, which protect the silk against bacteria and fungus buildup. It can even absorb water like sponges. If you’ve ever had an article of clothing covered in dew, then you know how important this property can be.

More moisture on your clothes means they are less likely to wrinkle up and become stiff over time. This same principle applies to spider silk during the humid condition. It absorbs the moisture and keeps it tangle-free.

The second property that is prevalent in spider silk is a high degree of tensile strength. This means it can be stretch up to three times its original length before breaking. The formation of this material has been studied extensively by researchers to use it as an alternative to Kevlar or steel cable cord for weaving items such as tires.

Spider webs are also sturdy enough to support heavy objects without being torn apart! They do not require adhesive substances like glue, making them perfect for various applications, including medicine bandages! What’s more, spider silk doesn’t break under pressure from too much stretching because its molecules have elastic properties. It’s these same elastic qualities that give elastic properties.

Orb webs (shown below) were initially developed to catch flying insects who would become entangled on their sticky threads, but over time, they evolved into being one of the most efficient predators known for catching prey as small as fruit flies or midges from up to 40 meters away!

The web generally consists of two concentric circles with rays coming out between them every few centimetres. There’s also space at the bottom where spiders will position themselves when waiting for prey. Many different kinds use ambient air currents combined with their silk proteins that form microscopic nano fibers to create these webs.

How Much Silk Can A Spider Make In A Day?

It’s hard to say how much a spider can produce in one day, but if we look at our favorite arachnid friend, the Eriophora Transmarina (shown below), it is estimated that they could make up to 300 meters of silk per hour! Eriophora Transmarina, or Australian garden orb weaver spider, can be found in Australia or Southeast Asia.

Eriophora Transmarina 

Australian garden orb spiderMale Australian garden orb weaver spiders can be found in southeast Asia and Australia with a leg span of up to 90mm. The female Eriophora Transmarina has an average body length of 60 mm but has much longer silk-producing organs.

They use these webs to catch prey such as flies, bees, wasps and other small arthropods like grasshoppers! These females are very hardworking: on hot days, they will create multiple layers of webbing. If one layer catches the sunlight, it will provide shade for them under their sheet while also catching more bugs.

Can Spiders Run Out Of Silk?

No, spiders do not run out of silk. Instead, they have a spinning organ called the spinneret that produces threads combined to form webs or egg casings. Spiders make this material from their fluids and combine it with proteins to create silk as strong as steel!  

The spider will usually start by collecting fluid from its abdominal glands (called ‘spigots’). Then, they mix this up with protein fibers in an area near where their head meets the thorax. Here they can release more than one kind of fiber at a time, producing silks made for different purposes like catching prey or making egg cases.

The creation process is quite fascinating: when the silk leaves these organs, it’s about 60 -70% dry, and as it exits the spinneret onto a large spinning organ called a ‘spool’, this thread is drawn up more fluid which transforms into silk. 

They release these strands of different fibre types (starting with sticky ones). Then, the spider pulls on them to align them over each other before releasing another strand that creates some unique patterns.  

This continues until all the threads have been released from their glands and are wrapped around individual strands. After this point, the spider starts to draw its web outwards by pulling at both ends of one long filament! This process usually takes about an hour for most spiders. The final step comes when air bubbles are blown through these webs, strengthening them even further. 

Do All Spiders Make Silk? 

No, all spiders don’t make silk. Spiders like huntsman spider don’t make any silk. They rely entirely on their agility, speed, size to capture prey. During evolution, both of these spiders found what suits them the most and evolved accordingly. 

Some spiders have what’s known as a cribellum-a fascinating organ that produces the silk. It is located at the end of their abdomen. The spider pulls on these threads, spinning them into strong stringy fibres to make webs or cocoons for themselves! 

Many spider species tend to use this process. Still, some don’t do it; instead, they rely on finding other sources such as air currents, water droplets from plants, or even catching prey with its own legs (known as ‘agility hunting’).  

The spider pulls on these threads, spinning them into strong stringy fibers to make webs or cocoons for themselves!

Spider Silk Facts:

Spider silk is the strongest natural fiber known to man. It’s five times stronger than steel yet still lightweight enough that we can’t even see it! So if you ever find a tangle of thin thread in your home, chances are there’s a spider nearby weaving its web around the window, in the corner or along the baseboards.

Spider webs are one of nature’s most useful inventions because they help catch prey and keep predators away from their delicious dinner. This allows spiders to feed themselves without having to go on a hunting expedition every time. 

An average spider can produce about seven different types of silk. However, it only needs one type: dragline silk. Draglines are the lifeline for many spiders. They use it when they build large web structures. The other six types come in handy for capturing food or making cocoons for their eggs. 

Different Types Of Spiders And Their Different Weaving Method

Triangle Weaver

Triangle WeaverThe triangle weaver is one of the more common types of spiders found in North America. It has a relatively small body, and they build webs that are shaped like triangles. They mainly use sticky silk to catch prey. However, they also have other kinds which act as reinforcement for their web structure – such as spiral-shaped loops used to increase strength or capture air so it doesn’t break down too quickly when wet. 

Trapdoor Spider

You might not notice these little guys at first because they spend most of their time hiding underground! When something comes close enough, this spider jumps out from its hole. The hole may be anywhere between two inches deep up to six feet below ground) and then wraps its prey in strong netting before dragging it back into the hole.

Funnel-Web Spider

These spiders are mainly found in Australia and New Zealand, but they can also be found in North American parts. They get their name from the funnel-shaped web that they build at ground level, which is often decorated with a stabilizing line of silk to catch prey for them. 

Purseweb Spiders

These spiders are only found in Western Australia. They get their name from the silk purse-like sacs created by this spider that can be anywhere between six inches and two feet wide, which they build at ground levels to catch prey. 

Purseweb Spiders have a low population of around 150 known species. However, there could still be more out there waiting to be discovered. 

Ogre Faced Spiders

Ogre faced spiderOgre faced spiders are a type of spider that lives in Zambia and Tanzania. The males have an extremely long front leg as well as six smaller eyes, while females have eight small eyes on the top of their head. They get their name from the resemblance to ogres with how they look like something straight out of Tolkien’s world:  

“She has big jaws and fangs like curved knives; her face is cruel, her mouth lewd.” – J.R.R Tolkien 

-The Lord of Rings

They create a small rectangular shaped net that they drop onto their prey.

Orb Weaver Spiders

Orb-weaver spiders are the most well-known type of spider. They create a circular shaped net that they drop onto prey. The webs will have an outermost layer of silk called “orb threads” and is then filled in with more layers made up of sticky catch threads, which are each covered in tiny hairs or spines to make them extra clingy: 

Many people have used the orb web as inspiration for their inventions.

Sheet Weaver Spiders

Sheet weaver spiders create a sheet-shaped net that they drop onto prey. 

The web has an outermost layer of silk called “sheet threads”, and it is filled with more layers made up of sticky catch threads, which are each covered in tiny hairs or spines to make them extra clingy: 

This type of spider lives on surfaces such as leaves, tree bark, rocks and soil; their webs often hang down from the surface instead of being built across space like other types. This makes it easier for them to reach those lower insect populations. No one knows how these sheets are created. Still, there’s speculation that this process starts when the first thread is formed at ground level (or whatever is the nearest surface) and then pulled up towards the web. The spider uses its legs to ensure that this sheet stays as more threads are added on top.

Spider silk has been used in surgical thread, fishing nets, clothes and other applications like bulletproof vests because of how strong and tough it can be.

Diving Bell Spider

Diving bell spiderThe Diving Bell Spider can live for up to three days underwater. First, it shoots silk into the air, which forms a spherical net that traps air bubbles, and then more silk is added on top to create a cocoon of sorts around itself. This way, they can avoid drowning by staying safely inside their own little bubble while they wait for their prey. 

Its mouth contains two tiny openings on each side, which allows air bubbles into its system, providing enough oxygen for survival while diving down below the surface of the water. And this isn’t all-the spiders also use sensitive hairs on their body to detect movements of potential food like fish or shrimp! 

Fishing Spider

This spider’s diet consists mainly of fish (hence its name), but it will occasionally eat birds, frogs and even small rodents like chipmunks when hungry. These animals don’t usually produce silk themselves, but they do make silk-like substances when threatened, which these spiders can use as a form of defense.

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