Spider web is a liquid converted to strands, which helps them to do various tasks. This liquid is mainly made of protein. These strands are strong and flexible. They eject it from their abdomen and construct a spider web, which they use for catching prey.
So, how spiders make web? Spider has a liquid that they store inside a special gland. This liquid is converted to spider web when they eject it from their abdomen. Spider stick these webs to branches, walls, etc. and then attach each side using their leg and completes the structure. They start constructing from the outside and then get inside.
How Spiders Make Web?
The making of a spider web is a fascinating process. They use silk to construct the nest. However, it is a very complicated process. Recent research shows that spiders produce a product that is stronger than steel. This product is mostly protein, and they store it inside their silk gland.
The liquid then flows through a channel into their abdomen and released as a spider web. Now, that liquid turns to the silk strand in less than a second. It is a fascinating process. It has been found that the because the strands are more acidic than the liquid that is creating it. And because of the acidic nature, it attracts the protons of the liquid, permanently attaching them and creating the strand.
How Is Spider Web Made And Why They Make It?
There are various kinds of spider web. The designs vary from spiders to spider; however, they build it for a few specific purposes that are to catch prey and to warn themselves about predators. If a predator gets on the spider web, then the vibration from the spider web alerts the spider, and they try to flee away on the other hand if a prey gets caught in that it also informs them, and then they get prepared to consume the prey.
Insects that are bigger than the spider size also get trapped inside the spider web, and the spider can devour them. The silk strands are strong and flexible and are very lightweight.
The spider uses a light breeze to form their spider web. Usually, the breeze carries the spider web from one tree to another. They make the spider web instinctively. Nobody teaches them how to make it. Some spider webs are massive, and some are relatively small, but they serve the same purpose.
There are also spiders web out there that can trap a hummingbird. It’s very strong, and once trapped inside the web, the bird can’t escape it and becomes its prey. Spiders also eat their spider web to replenish their silk supply.
The orb-weaver spider (widespread in America) makes their webs that consists of 7 lines. Each line is attached to some surface that can hold the spider web and spider’s weight firmly — for example, leaves, poles, trees branches, etc. Then the spider starts spinning the web from the outside then eventually comes to the inside. It uses its legs to attach each strand with the lines thus creating a circle like structure.
Some spiders don’t use the web to catch their prey. They are poisonous, and their poison is more than enough to kill a bigger animal. Tarantula is classic example of that.
These hairy, aggressive spiders are very toxic and kill their prey by poisoning after that they devour them. A tarantula can even kill snakes, which are much more significant than their size. Once the snake is dead, Tarantula consumes them whole.
How Long Does It Take For A Spider To Make A Spider Web?
It takes approximately 1 hour to make the web. They usually construct the spider web at night so, you’ll see the full constructed spider web when you wake up in the morning. Even if you destroy the spider web, you’ll see them creating and making another web reasonably quickly. However, if you repeatedly destroy their nest, then they will flee somewhere else and construct the web there.
How Much Web Can A Spider Create?
There is no specific limit to how much web a spider can produce. They can produce as much as they want. They need web for various kinds of works like catching prey, defending, and also to kill and eat prey. These are possible because of the liquid that they have within their bodies. This liquid doesn’t dry, and as long as they have the liquid, they can continue to produce as much web as they want.
How Strong Is The Spider Web?
Spider web is strong and flexible. They can be stretched to a great extent and don’t break easily even in strong winds. But there is a limit. Spider web can’t trap big animals like deer, boar, etc. but it can catch prey that the spider consumes even if they are more significant in size. Steel has a tensile strength of 1.65 GPA, whereas spider web has 1.3 GPA, but if you compare the density, then the spider web is 5 times stronger than steel. Spider web has a much lower density, yet it has so high level of tensile strength.
What Do Spider Prey Using Their Web?
Spider has a big list. They can devour any prey that can get trapped inside the net. Big insects that are much bigger than their size becomes a part of the spider diet. Once trapped inside the spider net, it becomes challenging to get out. Insects like moths, butterflies, small animals, and even hummingbirds. Although your regular house spider may not be able to capture hummingbirds or small animals, there are wild spiders that can capture and eat small animals and hummingbirds.
No, spider web can capture human or a lion because no spider is big enough to do that. However, if there was some spider that was big enough, then they could capture big animals.
Some Facts About Spider Web
Not All Parts Of The Spider Web Are Sticky
Spider uses a unique adhesive that they secrete from their abdomen and add it’s to the spider web to catch prey. They usually add one drop of the adhesive, and that’s more than enough. They keep the middle part non-sticky so that they can move around. One of their glands produces this polymer adhesive.
Spider Webs Can Be Long
Standard spider webs are messy and big, but there is some spider web that is long enough to cross a river, and they are very clearly visible. They take days to build it, and if it gets destroyed, they rebuild it. An incredible feat in itself. Female spider of that species makes this spider web. The female of this species is much larger than the male. They create it to catch prey, mainly dragonflies. Male of this species end up watching the sideshow as the female does the job.
Silk Gets Affected By Environment
The environment around it can severely affect the spider silk they product. It can either become strong or weak depending upon the humidity, temperature, and light. UV radiation affects the strength of the web and the stickiness of the web. Nocturnal spider is more affected by it. They don’t receive the Sun’s UV radiation, so when exposing to UV radiation, they create the web that doesn’t function as they are supposed to.
Male Spider Can Weave Sperm Web.
They do it for reproduction. Male spiders place a drop of sperm on the spider web and then use their pedipalps to suck it and then inject it into the female body.
They Use 4 Legs While Travelling
Spider uses only four legs while traveling. They keep the other four feet up while traveling.
Spider Blood Is Blue
We have hemoglobin in our blood, which creates a complex form with iron, which gives the color red, and then it transports oxygen within our body, and spiders have hemocyanin, which gets attached to copper, and that gives the color blue.
Spider Legs Are Weird
Spiders can pull their leg inwards, but after doing that, they can’t pull it out. They have to use a special liquid to pull them out.
Spider Have Muscle Hidden Inside Bones
Muscles protect human bones; however, in spiders, it’s just the opposite. It’s their muscle that protects their bones.
Wolf Spiders Are Fast
They can run at a speed of 0.6 meters per second. Which is an impressive speed for such a small creature.
Spider Silk Is Stronger Than Steel
It’s stronger than steel if you compare the density with tensile strength. If the spider would have used steel with the same density instead of the spider silk, then the result will be completely different.
It would be much weaker. It could have broken with wind and would not be able to capture bigger prey. It is a fascinating thing as an organism having a substance that is stronger than steel. Nature always has answers, and the spider web is one of the marvels of nature.
There are 40,000 known species of spiders.
Spider Has No Teeth
Spiders don’t have teeth, so they can’t chew. They inject digestive enzymes inside the prey and then sucks it in.
Spider Net Has Vitamin K
Spider net has vitamin K, so it helps stops bleeding. Hundreds of years ago, spider net was used to treat bleeding. They used to carry this spider net even into a war zone.
Spider Lays Many Eggs At A Time
A female spider can lay up to 3000 eggs at a time.
Humming Bird Uses Spider Net To Build Their Nest
Hummingbird uses spider net to build their nest. They use a small stick and collect the spider web to build their nest.
Do All Spider Webs Look Similar?
No, all spider web doesn’t look similar. There are different types of a spider web. For example, spider orb web is created by spiders who are from the family of Araneidae, as well as Tetragnathidae and Uloboridae.
The Family of Theridiidae creates Cobwebs.
The patterns are different. But the most common one is the orb web. When we usually think about the spider web, we picture the image of an orb that is orb web.
You can identify the species of the spider just by looking at their web.
Some Ways To Get Rid Of Spider Web
Spider web can be annoying, and it’s very sticky. Keep them away for personal hygiene and to make your room look clean.
Here are some ways:
- Use Vacuum Cleaner: Vacuum cleaner does the job instantly. Just put the vacuum cleaner in medium speed and then vacuum all the spider webs that you can see.
- Broom Stick: Broom Stick is also handy to get rid of them. Although it is a little challenging to use compared to a vacuum cleaner, if used correctly, it works well. You need a properly sized broomstick to reach the ceiling. It will take time and can be messy, but it will do the job.
- Reduce Insects Infestation: Spider nests come when there are spiders. And spiders come when there are too many insects. They come looking for food, and if there is food for them, then they will be there. So, to reduce the infestation get rid of insects
- Use Vinegar: Spider hates the smell of vinegar. So, get rid of spiders to get rid of the spider web. If the spider avoids your house, then there will be no spider net. Fill a sprayer with 50% vinegar and 50% water and spray it in all those places where you see spiders.
- Use Spider Killer Spray: Spider killer spray works well in getting rid of spiders. You can buy it from Amazon or from your local store. Spray it directly over the spiders to get rid of them. It is a chemical-based spray.
Welcome to my blog. I have been doing pest control for years since my house, garden and pets were always attacked by various kinds of pests and as a result I had to know proper pest control techniques that works. In this blog I share all the tips and tricks that I know and I hope you’ll find it helpful.