Ant bites are really painful and many people experience it pretty frequently. I also experienced it my times and it hurts. I used some home made remedies to get rid of the pain and it worked but I decided to dive deep into it and find out the best ways to heal from any ant bite easily.
So the big question is what are the best ways to heal from any ant bite easily? Baking soda, Ammonia, Salt, Sugar Cube, Clay, Ice, Aloe Vera are some of the best ways to heal from any ant bites easily.
Read this full article to know the all the solutions in details and use them properly when needed
1. Baking soda
The venom from ants are toxic and can immediately create a burning sensation and a sharp feeling of pain. Baking soda works really well in reducing the pain and the burning sensation and it’s really quick in reducing the pain. Hers is how to use It.
- Take 2 spoon of baking soda
- Add a little water and make a thick paste and then apply it over the bitten area it will be highly helpful and will start to reduce your pain, itchiness and redness.
It’s easily available and is cheap. You can easily buy it from your local store if you don’t have one.
2. Ammonia
Since the venom is acidic so the best way to reduce the pain is to use alkaline. Ammonia is alkaline and it helps in reducing pain effectively. So, apply a little ammonia and the pain will subside very quickly. However, this method only works within the first 15 minutes of the bite after that it doesn’t works that well because the poison get distributed within body.
3. Essential Oil
Essential oil are also very effective ways to get rid of the pain and itchiness after a bite. Lavender oil works really well against ants because of its soothing and inflammatory relieving properties. Just put 2 drops of lavender essential oil in your palm and rub it on the bitten area and around it. You’ll see pain reducing very quickly. It works like magic. Apply it every 20 minutes and after and hour you’ll see that the pain is gone. Don’t just apply it once keep applying it every 20 minutes.
4. Salt
Salt also works really well against ant bites. It reduces swelling thus reducing the pain. Mix a little water with salt and apply it around the affected area and you’ll feel relief. Salt is really effective and it’s available in everyone house thus making it the most easily accessible solution to reduce the effect of ants bite. It also works against various kind of other stings and doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort.
But here are some guidelines that you need to follow when applying salt over affected area.
- If it’s bleeding then don’t put it in that area as salt will increase the pain and discomfort by many folds.
- Apply it all around the swollen area to reduce swelling, irritation and pain.
5. Use Ice
Ice works like magic against any sort of ant attack. It immediately starts reducing pain and discomfort and relieves you from the pain very fast. It reduces the burning sensation immediately that comes from any ant bites. It’s very effective and it’s highly recommended if you want to reduce the pain quickly. It easily available in everyone house. Ice is really effective against a wide range of things. It works amazingly well during injuries and inflammation so just use it and it will work like wonder.
6. Toothpaste
Toothpaste is really a great solution that works against any kind of sting and ant bite is not an exceptions. Just take pea sized toothpaste and apply it directly over the affected area and you’ll immediately feel pain, irritation, redness and swelling reducing. Any kind of toothpaste will do the job so just apply it without thinking twice.
7. Aloe Vera
If you have Aloe vera plant in your house then consider yourself lucky it has many healing properties and one of these is to reduce irritation. Because of it natural healing and soothing properties it will immediately reduce your irritation, swelling and pain caused by ant bites. It will provide cooling effect and that will reduce the irritation. You can also buy aloe vera from your local nursery and use it to reduce the the pain from ant bite.
8. Sugar
Sugar works like charm just apply a sugar cube directly over the affected area and hold it for 10 minutes and you’ll see the pain going away after that. There will be no sting or venom you will be able to work normally again. It is cheap and easily available and is not harmful around kids or pets but it works like magic. You can always carry sugar cube wherever you go and if you get bitten by ants as they are everywhere then use it to get quick relief.
9. Tobacco Dip
Use wet Tobacco or Tobacco juice directly over the affected area and you’ll see itching and burning sensation going away. It’s really amazing on how fast it works. They are inexpensive but are really effective against ant bites. It reduces the effect of venom almost instantly and gives a cooling effect.
10. Aspirin
If you have aspirin in your home then use it by crushing and mixing it with a little water and creating a paste like solution and then apply that solution directly over the affected area to reduce the pain, irritation and swelling. It’s really effective against all kind of pain and so it works against the pain and discomfort caused by ant bites. You need to buy this because its not normally used in day to day life unless prescribed. But keeping aspirin in house always comes handy and it is a powerful painkiller. It also works really well against injuries and gives major relief against major injuries internal ones and external ones so it can be used externally to treat almost all sort of external pain and swelling.
11. Raw Potato
Cut a potato in half and apply it directly over the affected area and you’ll see pain and discomfort starts reducing within a few minutes. Plus it will also provide cooling sensation and the itching, swelling will start decreasing. It is easily available and can be used without any side effects. Your skin will also feel great after applying sliced potato over the affected area. After the swelling and the pain goes away redness will start to fade away and you see visible change within few hours.
12. Onion
Onion works really well in reducing pain and swelling. It works against majority of insects including ant bites because of its antioxidants and cooling properties and gives almost instant effect. Onion is also good for your skin so you can easily apply Onion into your affected area just cut the Onion in few pieces and then rub if gently over the affected area and it will reduce the itchiness and redness. If you’re not allergic to Onion then this is one of the best solutions for you. Simply apply directly over the affected area. If you pain starts decreasing then keep applying it unless the pain, redness, itching completely goes away. Onion will start showing its effect instantly and within few hours your pain will be greatly reduced.
My Experience
Here is a small experience that I want to share. My brother was bitten by red wood ant in his toes and the pain was severe. My brother was just 6 yrs old back then so he started crying loudly and I started to panic. No matter how much water we applied the pain wasn’t reducing so we decided to use both Onion and honey and it worked like wonder. First we applied chopped onions and the pain starter reducing immediately and then after 15 minutes when the pain almost subsided we applied a little honey to soothe the area and that reduced the pain even further and after 35 minutes the pain was almost gone however there was some swelling and redness that lasted upto 5 days but my brother was happy and relieved and was playing again’. This is the power of Onion and honey both easily available and can be used effectively against ant bites.
13. Honey
Honey also works really well against ant bites it immediately starts showing results. Just apply honey directly over the affected area using your hand in the affected area. Apply more Honey if the pain doesn’t decreases. Rotate your hands around the bite in a circular motion that will heat up the portion and make the Honey more effective. Pain will subside very quickly. If you’re allergic to Honey then don’t use honey instead use other solutions to reduce the pain, redness and itchiness
14. Vinegar
Vinegar is very effective against ant bites and its easily available. Jut mix 20 ml of vinegar with 100 ml of Water and apply it directly over the area. Vinegar also helps in stopping infection that can happen from ant bites. It’s safe to use and can be used on both humans and animals without any side effects.
15. Cucumber
Cucumber is a really good remedy for ant bites. It gives almost instant cooling from the burning sensation that comes from ant bites. It soothes the area and reduces swelling and redness. Just cut 2 pieces of cucumber from a cucumber and then place it over the affected area and gradually rub it over the area especially over those areas where you’re feel more discomfort and you’ll see it’s benefits. It can be safely applied over human as well as animals and its really good for your skin. Continue to apply it unless the pain, redness and itchiness is gone.
16. Olive Oil
Olive oil are really effective against ant bites it has anti inflammatory properties that reduces the redness and the burning sensation and will reduce the painful effects of ant bites very quickly. It is natural and has no side effects so you can use it without worry. It is also very good for your skin so using it won’t create any side effects. It will also stop any infection so if you have Olive oil then use it without hesitation.
17. Clay
Clay is also really effective against ant bites. It’s a really great absorber of poison and can absorb the poison of ant bites. It’s effective because clay is electro negative and poison is electro positive so. Here is how to use clay
- Mix some clay with water
- And apply it over the bite and around it
- It will immediately reduce the pain and itchiness.
You can find this clay in your garden and you can make this mixture and use it. Keep the clay over the affected area unless the pain and the discomfort is totally gone. The minerals from the clay will enter your bloodstream and will reduce the pain and itchiness.
Should You Pop Ant Bite?
The answer is no, you should let your body heal it on its own however if you feel like popping it then make sure to take precautions like an antiseptic solution as there is will be blood and fluids. It hard to control the urge of popping ant bites plus it also itches when it’s starts drying making us feel like popping it. However it’s possible that if you pop the bite then there can be some scars and it can be very visible plsu there is a high chance of getting septic if proper antiseptic is not used. So my advice is to not pop it as I wouldn’t pop it no matter how much I feel like popping it.
How long does it take for an ant bite to heal?
It usually takes around 3-10 days for the ant bites to get completely cured depending upon what ant has bitten if it’s a fire ant then it can also upto 5-8 days, for ants like black ants it can last upto 4 days for red wood ants it can be from 3-4 days to get completely cured from the ant bite. However if you use the above solutions then it can give massive relief’ from ant bite within hours and within a day. You won’t feel much discomfort on other days. Just continue to apply the solutions unless it’s completely cured. However if you’re feeling uneasy or having vomiting, dizziness or other symptoms and if they are not going away after using these solutions within 24 hours then immediately call a doctor and get yourself treated because you can have some other physiological problems that could be causing this.
When Should You Call A Doctor?
If you’ve tried everything and still it seems like the pan or swelling is not decreasing then you should immediately consult a doctor. Some people are allergic to ant bites and that can cause some serious problem like nausea, dizziness, high fever and even unconsciousness. If this happens immediately consult a doctor as keeping them untreated with a hope to get cured on it’s own can become fatal. If your kids are behaving in this way then consult a doctor within 24 hours. If your pet behaves abnormally after ant bite then get your pet treated within 24 hours call a veterinarian and get your pet treated.
Some Useful Information You Should Know
1. If you have too many trees near your house then it’s possible that ant can come in and attack you. So, you need to check every corner and should be aware of any infestation then take necessary steps to keep them away.
2. Also make sure to teach your kids to stay away from the tress as it is the home of most ants. If your kids accidentally gets into the colony of the ants then it can become difficult and the chances of getting bitten by multiple ants are very high.
3. Your pets can also get bitten by ants in the same way so it becomes utmost priority to keep your pets away from ants colony or where you see many ants. Often times dogs or cats attack these ants without realising and get bitten. Some animals are also allergic to ants bites and can lead to severe symptoms like high fever, irritability, itching and unconsciousness. If any of these happens to your pet then immediately call a doctor. These ants can even bite your pets internally like on the tongue and inside the eyes and that can lead to severe problem. If you find swelling in those areas immediately call a veteran.
4. If there is ant in some of the areas walking bare foot can also increase the chances for getting bitten so if you stay in those areas then wear a shoe to keep yourself safe from ant bites. Sandals or flippers won’t protecting you as you need full cover to protect yourself from ant bites so you should wear shoes to stop yourself from getting bitten however ants can also climb through your shoes and get inside your shoes and on your legs if that happens immediately open the shoes and shake the shoes rapidly to throw ants out of your shoes and use your hand to shake of ants from your legs. Simple steps but effective. Do it fast as soon as you realise there are ants inside your shoes, don’t waste time or else you can get bitten by those ants.
5. Ants doesn’t bite unless threatened but the problem occurs when they come close to human and due to deforestation more and more ants are coming into human territory or human are getting into their territory as a result poisonous ants are coming into contact with humans and many humans are getting bitten by these poisonous ants and getting admitted into hospitals. And since they attack in numbers it is creating severe situations. Some of these ants are so venomous that it creates severe pain. If kids are bitten by these ants then it can become seriously problematic and if you see kids are suffering like this then immediately you should send them to hospital. Delay in these situations can be fatal. Pets are also coming in contact with these ants and are facing similar situations. If it happens then immediately take your pet to veteran doctor.
Welcome to my blog. I have been doing pest control for years since my house, garden and pets were always attacked by various kinds of pests and as a result I had to know proper pest control techniques that works. In this blog I share all the tips and tricks that I know and I hope you’ll find it helpful.