Frogs can be very annoying at times, especially during monsoon season because of their high pitched croaking sound. Some people can’t tolerate that sound. Too many frogs in an area can also lead to problematic consequences like inviting predators like snakes to that area. So it becomes very necessary to get rid of frogs however having few frogs in your area is actually beneficial. They can get rid of many insects and bugs and they are good for ecosystem.
What are 18 Genuinely Effective Ways To Keep Frogs Away? These ways are found to be really effective. Using this will hugely benefit you. So, here goes our recommendations
- Get Rid Of Stagnant Water
- Remove Their Food Sources
- Stop External Lighting
- Make A Mesh Fence
- Get Rid Of Cluster
- Get Rid Of Shrubs And Weeds
- Peppermint Spray
- Hot Water
- Chase Them Away
- Use Your Pet
- Remove Tadpoles
- Frog Repellent Spray
- Snake Repellent Spray
- Create Frog Haven
- Use Traps
- Herbicide
- Salt
- Call An Exterminator
Read this whole article to know them in details and use them effectively
1. Get Rid Of Stagnant Water
This is the number one reason for why you see to many frogs in your area. Frogs are amphibians so they definitely love water and stagnant water is their favourite. If you have stagnant water due to rainfall or if we have jammed drains or any sort of stored water in your area chances are frogs are going to come there and stay there.So, getting rid of the stagnant water will get rid of the frogs automatically and will also get rid of other insects and bugs that can be attracted towards stagnant water. Getting rid of these insects will automatically decrease their frogs number because they will not get their food. Examples of stagnant water are artificial ponds, water stored from rain, artificial fountains for decoration, uncleaned swimming pool.
2. Remove Their Food Sources
Frog eats insects if you have large amount of insect in your area then chances are there can be many frogs especially during monsoon season. Frogs come to feed on this insects. They come from different regions and will stay there if they get their food regularly. So, its very important to get rid of the food sources. You can spray pesticides and insecticides to get rid of excess insects from area and that will automatically stop frogs from coming to area and staying in there. Also turn off outdoor lighting to stop insect infestation. These insects love to to go near light sources which in turn attracts frogs because they get their food.
3. Stop External Lighting
External lighting attracts insects that in turn attracts frogs so, if you want to stop frogs in the first place this is a very necessary step that you can do. Any sort of external lighting can attract different kinds of insects and that is like party for frogs many frogs will come to feed on them. Hanging light or any other light sources that you can possibly imagine will attract insects. If you have a frog infestation in your house or in your garden then this step becomes absolutely necessary to stop frog infestation. But if it’s absolute necessary to turn on the light then turn it as long as you need it don’t keep it turned on unnecessarily. You can also spray insecticides near your house or your garden especially near the outdoor lights or you can install some insect traps like sticky traps around your outdoor lights. It will stop the insects and kill them and will destroy frogs food source and that will automatically decrease frog infestation.
4. Make A Mesh Fence
You can do mesh fencing but do remember to buy fencing mesh with the tiniest holes as frogs can get through big holes easily and that will stop frogs from entering your perimeter near your garden or house. So, if you have outdoor lighting around your garden or house then doing mesh fencing few meters away from the outdoor lights will stop frogs from crossing that area. Make it at least 4 foot tall so that frogs can’t jump off or can climb through it even if insects comes around outdoor lights frogs won’t be able to come in because of the fence. This method can also be used if you see frogs during monsoon season. If you know the direction from they are coming you can do mesh fencing around that area to stop them from coming to your house or near your garden. Often times many frogs comes during monsoon season for breeding and this can lead to serious problem but this solution can stop that from happening to a great extent.
5. Get Rid Of Cluster
Cluster can be one of the reason for frogs infestation. If you got lot amount of cluster in your house then chances are frogs are hiding among those cluster. So, get rid of any unnecessary cluster from your house. Remove fallen leaves, papers, boxes anything that are not used and can be a hiding spot to stop frog from hiding.
6. Get Rid Of Shrubs And Weeds
Frogs can hide behind tall shrubs and weeds especially during monsoon season because they are wet and store water frogs love to stay over there. Both land and water is available. Cutting them will automatically reveal most of the frogs and they will run away from that area as they are timid creatures. Without those shrubs and weeds there wouldn’t be any hiding spot for them.
7. Use Peppermint Spray
Peppermint spray is a very strong and it can be used get rid of frogs easily. The strong peppermint spray will create irritation and burning sensation on frog’s skin and I will keep them away. Here is how to make it
Buy peppermint essential oil and mix it with 50 ml of water and spray it directly spray over the frogs that will keep them away. If you want you can buy peppermint essential oil from here.
8. Use Hot Water
Hot water works really well to keep frogs away. Obviously they can’t tolerate the heat and starts running away immediately. This solution is inexpensive but is very effective. Just throw the hot water near the frog and they will start running away immediately no matter how many frogs are over there they will run away. Don’t throw hot water directly over the frog unless you want to kill them.
9. Chase Them Away
If you see a frogs just start chasing after them and they will run away from that area immediately. You have to do the job by yourself and have to do it multiple times. If you want frogs to be out of your area then you have to chase them away from your area simply by running after them thus forcing them to get away form your area. If you stop running mid way then they will also stop so you need to keep running after them unless they are out of your area.
10. Use Your Pet
First and foremost you need to identify what kind of frogs are infesting your area. If they are poisonous then don’y use this technique. if not then you can use your dog or cat to get rid of frogs. Just release them when you see frogs. They will chase them away or even kill them. They can chase away many frogs at a time and those frogs won’t come back so easily because they know a predator is waiting for them. Since cat and dogs are very fast and agile outrunning them would be very difficult for the frog so they won’t come again easily.
11. Remove Tadpoles
Frogs lay around 1000 eggs in water sources and you need to spot them before they grow up and get rid of them. This step alone will drastically decrease their number and will reduce the chances of infestation. Tadpoles can be found around stagnant water sources like stored water from rain, swimming pools if not cleaned. They are very easy to spot as you can see them with your naked eyes. Once you see them you can capture them using polythene and then keep them out of water sources that will automatically kill the tadpoles as they will dry out and they can’t tolerate heat.
12. Frog Repellent Spray
Make a fog repellent spray using vinegar. It’s very cheap and effective way to keep frogs away
- Just mix 50 ml of water with 30 ml of vinegar
- Put it in a sprayer and spray it on those areas where you see frogs usually
This solution will create burning sensation in their feet and will keep them away. It won’t kill them but it will definitely stop them from coming to that area and it’s highly effective yet affordable remedy.
13. Snake Repellent Spray
Snake repellent spray also works against frogs and will keep them away. It is very effective against snakes and is also effective against frogs. Spray like Bonide 32 is really effective it has various natural ingredients. It emits very strong smell that keeps both snakes and frogs away. You can buy these from any online store like Amazon are you can buy it from any chemical store.
14. Create Frog Haven
You can create a frog haven to keep frogs away from your area as those frogs will get attracted to that place because they will provide the most suitable conditions for them to live and they you won’t come to area.
This is how you can make frog haven
- Just add water around the corner which can store water and make it in a place where you won’t get disturbed even if the too many frogs come in.
- Add some light so that it attracts insects that will be their the food source.
- Add some leaves and weeds because frogs like that as well and this will stop frogs from coming to your place
Make sure to make it in a place from where you won’t got to hear too much of their croaking. This is the best idea if you don’t have to invest any kind of products and yet you want them to not bother you.
15. Use Traps
Traps likes mouse trap can be used effectively to capture frogs. Use this trap inside your house if frogs enters your house. When a frog gets close to the trap the trap automatically captures the frog. Once the frog has been captured then you can throw the frog away. This is a very simple technique that is used by many people from all over the world. Place this trap around the corners from where frogs enters your house and you can capture many frogs. You can also capture them using a plastic very simple method here is how to do it
First notice the path of their movement. Frogs doesn’t move haphazardly they usually tries to hide behind any object or tries to leap over walls to get out of the place. If you try to chase them inside your house then most likely will find them going inside your bed or or inside table where they feel safe and where they can hide. In order to lure them out you have to first make them feel safe for that you just need to wait without making any sound and you will see them eventually come out because they have to find food and even if they are feel safe in that area they won’t stay there for long. You may have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes before the frogs come out once the frog come out notice in which direction it’s trying to run and under which object it is trying to hide and it may happen on the first attempt that the frog will hide or go under your bed when you try to capture it. Keep some patience over here. In the meantime prepare your plastic trap set the trap on the path of the frog and once the frog come out again after 10 to 15 force it to to go inside the plastic. You can use a broom, a stick to stop it from going back under your bed. You have to scare the frog and you’ll see that the frog automatically goes into that direction and get inside the plastic. Once inside the plastic immediately close the plastic as frogs can get out of the plastic very quickly. Then you can throw the frog away. This can take some time and patience but it’s is very effective and will get rid of the frog without even killing it and if you want to buy mouse trap then you can buy it from here.
16. Herbicide
Herbicide can be an effective solution to control frogs population as it is seen that certain herbicides that remove weeds also effects male frogs and stops their reproduction capabilities as a result reducing their population. You need to use the herbicide over large amount of frogs that you can find near your house only in that way it will be effective in stopping the population. Using it for one or two frogs won’t be effective. Use this herbicide during the breeding season which is monsoon and you can successfully control their population and reduce infestation.
17. Salt
Salt is a very simple and effective solution that can keep frogs away without killing them. Sprinkle salt around the area where frogs usually comes and goes or you can directly sprinkle it over them. This will burn their feet and skin and will stop them from coming to your area. Also, sprinkle around that area where you don’t want frogs to come. The only drawback is that salt gets washed away in water so it won’t be effective if it get washed away by water. Sprinkle it over dry places. You can create a perimeter using salt and create multiple layers frogs won’t be able cross that perimeter.
18. Call An Exterminator
If you are not sure what to do do about the frog infestation then you can call an exterminator who will get rid of the frogs from your house using there set of instruments and skills. This should be the last option when you can’t decide what to do and what not to do or if you don’t want to do it yourself then you can call them immediately but don’t call them if you want to save money. Sometimes this can be the easiest solution as many times frogs just keeps on coming and and can become a very annoying process if you’re trying to do it yourself. It requires manual effort from your side and can consume lot of time because you need to first find the frogs and then only you can apply the remedies. Calling an exterminator would be a wise choice during monsoon season as there can be heavy frog infestation in your area during that season.
Related Questions
Do Frogs need to get out of water? Yes, they need to get out of water once they change from tadpole to frog. When tadpoles grow up they develop lungs and can breathe air so they venture on land for food and travels from one territory to another territory in search of partners.
Do all frogs start out as tadpoles? Not all of them goes through tadpole stage to be precise there are 720 of them who doesn’t goes through that stage but half of the frog species goes through this process of metamorphosis. Female lay eggs in water then they hatch into tadpole and after that they evolve into frogs.
How long can Frogs stay underwater without breathing? Almost all frogs can breathe underwater. They breathe through their skin so they can breathe inside water and they can stay underwater indefinitely. Not all amphibians can do that but frogs can.
Welcome to my blog. I have been doing pest control for years since my house, garden and pets were always attacked by various kinds of pests and as a result I had to know proper pest control techniques that works. In this blog I share all the tips and tricks that I know and I hope you’ll find it helpful.