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Can Lizard Eat Rat?

There are a lot of different species of lizard. Some of them are big, and some of them are small. Lizards live in an environment where they frequently come across rats, and they probably fight with them. But can lizard eat rat? Small lizards apparently can not eat rats but big lizards can, rats can fill up their significant portion of …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

People like to keep bearded dragon as pets, and when you keep them as pets, it becomes important to know what kind of food you can feed them. Banana is widely available in most places and is relatively cheap but provides lots of nutrients. So it is a good choice for bearded dragon. But can bearded dragons eat bananas? Yes, a …

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Will Lizards Eat Bees?

Lizards are everywhere and they do a lot of stuff that we don’t know. One of these is eating bees. Since bees can sting we think that lizard won’t be able to eat them but Will lizards eat bees? Yes, lizards eat bees, but those lizards are known as skinks. Skinks are lizard, but they are quite different than a …

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Why Lizards Don’t Eat Ants?

You can see lizard come across ants, but they don’t eat the ants. Lizards are much bigger than ants, and they can easily eat ants, but why don’t they do it? Why lizards don’t eat ants? Ants don’t have enough nutritional value, and they don’t taste good. They are filled with formic acid, which can taste awful. Lizards don’t like …

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Will Lizards Eat Bird Eggs?

Lizards eat various kinds of food. Mostly all lizards are a carnivore. They eat mammals, insects, reptiles etc. and you can often see them eating various kinds of eggs but Will lizards eat bird eggs? Yes, lizards can eat birds eggs. Wild Lizards, pet lizards eat bird eggs. Some birds eggs have a hard outer shell, so they break the eggs …

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Why Lizards Are Afraid Of Peacock?

If you live in a place where there are a lot of peacocks, then you can often see peacock eating lizards. On the contrast, you will also see that lizards are leaving the place when they see a group of peacocks. So what causes this change in the behavior of lizards? More specifically, why lizards are afraid of peacock? Lizards …

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Are Lizards Considered Pests?

Lizards are almost everywhere. They stick to the wall and sometimes comes out to eat food. They help us in many ways but can also annoy us in many ways. But are lizards considered pests? Yes, lizards are considered as pests, but they are not harmful to humans in general. In moderation, lizards can get rid of unwanted insects from …

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Can Lizard Drink Water?

Lizards are everywhere, but we barely see them drinking water, and that confuses us. We think they don’t need water to survive. Is there any biological defect that they cannot drink water, or is it that they don’t need water? What is the truth? So can lizards drink water? Yes, a lizard can drinks water. They also need water to survive, …

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Can Lizard Smell?

You can see lizards everywhere, and you can see them flicking their tongue. Why do they do that? Do they flick their tongue for smelling? If not, then how do they smell or can, they even smell? This article will answer your questions.  So can lizards smell? Yes, lizards can smell very well. They can distinguish different types of smell using …

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Why Lizard Walk On Wall?

You can mostly see house lizard or home gecko walking on the wall of your house, but why do they do it? Is there any specific reason? Or do they do it for fun? So, why lizard walk on wall? Lizards walk on the wall because small lizards are tiny, and they don’t want to get stomped, so they stick to …