It is hard to find a lizard during winter. The most active predator seems to go quite in winter, but what happens to them in winter do they die or do they live?
So, where lizards go in winter? During winter lizard starts hiding under small stones, tree bark, inside burrows etc. They do it to maintain their body temperature because they are cold-blooded. A lizard cannot generate body heat, so they need external heat to maintain their body temperature. They go in hibernation during winter.
Continue reading to know about the activities of lizards in winter.
What Lizard Do In Winter?
Some lizards are big, and some are small, but they are all cold-blooded, and they need to warm themselves. During hibernation, lizards don’t feel hunger; they don’t search for food; as a result, they save a lot of energy. They can survive without food during the entire winter while they are hibernating.
Hibernation reduces the consumption of energy to a great extent, thus allowing their body to survive with the minimum energy. Lizards gather energy through food, and before the winter, they consume more food so that they can have adequate energy during hibernation. During hibernation, lizards don’t move. As a result, less energy is used, which helps them to survive.
What Is The Best Spot For Them To Hide?
There are many spots where a lizard can hide. Here are some of them. They won’t harm you when they are hibernating unless you awaken an aggressive species of lizard.
Tree Trunks
Trees trunks are warm and moist places. It can provide sufficient warmth for the creatures hiding beneath it. So, its a right hiding spot for lizards.
Tree Barks
Tree Barks also provide sufficient warmth for hiding. This is an ideal spot for small lizards. If you come across a tree bark, then remember that lizards and other reptiles can be hiding there.
Inside Burrow
There are holes created by other animals which can also be a hiding spot. It is a dangerous place since other animals can also hide there. But it provides sufficient warmth for survival.
Under A Stone
A moderate-sized stone can provide sufficient heat for survival. If there is space below that stone, then lizards can hide over there. It is an ideal space for a small lizard. If the rock size is big enough, then it can also provide shelter to big lizards during winter.
Inside A Cave
If there is a cave, then lizards can also hide over there. Caves can be a great hiding spot for small lizards because they can get inside a massive cavern and can stick to the wall. For big lizards, it can get dangerous if other animals stay over there.
Inside A House
Home gecko or house lizards are the ones who do this. They typically hide behinds beds, inside a wardrobe, under sofa etc. as these places are warm compared to other areas within a house. That’s the reason you won’t see lizards during winter because they are hiding in those spots. So, until you check those spots, it will be hard to find them.
How Do They Find A Hiding Spot?
Finding a hiding spot can be difficult depending upon where the lizard lives. The right place is the key to their survival. The hiding spot must provide adequate warmth so that they can maintain their body temperature throughout the season.
The hiding spot should not have any predators in them. A small lizard can quickly become prey to bigger lizards or other predators like a snake. They look around for the perfect spot before the winter season, or just before temperature drops.
This can take a while as these spot needs to be accurate. Lizards can also die while they are searching for the hiding spot as predators can hide in those spots.
Lizards will hide in the same spot over and over again in every winter season unless other dominant lizard or a predator takes over that place. Small lizards don’t require much space, but lizards like iguanas will need a better place. Small lizards can hide inside small holes, whereas a big lizard may require a more significant area to hide and stay over there.
Fortunately, iguanas have a fantastic coping mechanism that helps them to survive even if they cannot find a proper place to spend the winter.
Can Lizards Defend Themselves While Hibernating?
Yes, a lizard can defend themselves if a predator attacks them during hibernation. However, they will be somewhat unprepared so it can become easier for the attacker to kill them. In the wild, a slight delay in response can be fatal.
Defending one’s life is an instinct. Fortunately, snakes and cold-blooded predators also hibernate during winter that’s why lizards are somewhat safe.
Can Lizards Die If They Don’t Hibernate?
Lizards body cannot generate heat on their own, so they have to take the help of external source to do so. Now, if lizards don’t get the necessary thing to keep themselves warm and if the body temperature gets below the critical level, then the lizard can die.
Lizards will try their best to warm themselves. They can get inside tree bark or any other place that can provide warmth which is available in all areas. Crocodiles also need external heat to warm themselves much like lizards. So they come out of the water and lays in the sun to restore their body temperature. Cold-blooded reptiles must absorb the heat from external sources. It’s absolutely necessary.
Why Is Body Temp Important?
Proper body temperature is very important for the body. Every species have their body temperature. If the temperature is too high, then enzymes will not function properly. Digesting food can become challenging, and other bodily function will not perform.
On the other hand, if your body temperature drops way below the required amount, then the hormonal secretion can get severely affected, and the body will not function properly, eventually killing the animal.
Can Lizard Die In Winter?
If lizards are not able to maintain their body temperature during winter, then lizards can die. Their body will stop functioning, and the lizard will die although the chances are less for small lizards because finding a small place to hide and spend the entire winter is not that difficult for a small lizard.
The temperature can vary from place to place if the temperature goes below zero degree then lizards need to find substantially warm places to hide or else they can die. In moderately cold temperature like 10 degrees or above it’s relatively easy for lizards to find a hiding spot. The more extreme the cold is, the more difficult it is to survive.
Due to this reason, there can be a fight between various species of lizards which can lead to the death of the weak lizard. Fortunately, lizards are also seen to cooperate. You can see that multiple lizards are resting in one place because of the lack of resting place.
Can Lizard Freeze And Come Back To Life?
There are lizards like iguana who can freeze when the temperature drops below 30-50 degree and then can come back to life when the temperature rise backs again. They can become immobile during extreme cold, but fortunately, they can survive this temperature. Few animals, lizards, can withstand severe weather.
Many lizards cannot survive such a low temperature. Another undeniable factor is that if a lizard that lives in warm regions of your world gets migrated to cold areas and if they have to face such low temperatures, then they will die.
These lizards don’t have the mechanism to deal with such low temperatures. So, if you live in warm regions and you see lizards around you then remember those lizards cannot survive freezing temperatures.
If you have lizard infestation in your home then read our blog 23 Highly Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Lizards From Home.
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